Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Motel 6 Hours away...

So Midge enjoyed her first trip to Maine! The trip there was rather lame... Due to not knowing exactly where we were going or our way around Maine and the crazy congestion around North Conway... Well, it took us 6 hours from East St Johnsbury to our Motel. Which ended up being Motel 6, due to price reasons only. Though it actually ended up being pretty well placed for a convenient drive into downtown.

Aside from all of the trips in the car, Elinor did very good, and had some really cute moments... Like when we decided that to continue wandering around Old Portland we need to bundle her up so we picked up an LL Bean fleece and a blanket from the LL Bean outlet. Man, seeing her all bundled up in her little borrowed stroller? She was C-ute!

We went all around and looked at lots of baby clothes, went to a cool toy store, two yarn shops, the big LL Bean, Gritty McDuff's... She had lots of fun and got lots of ohhs and ahhs. We were really taken with Portland. And it entered into our realm of future possibilities... I liked it a lot and kind of wished that I'd already lived there (I have had loose ideas one moving there for a couple of decades) and Caitlin really liked it.

We pondered a bit which would be the best place to raise Midge (and whomever may follow) and it was hard to say. But personally, I feel the need to live the small town lifestyle. Where you actually know the people you encounter (for better or worse).


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