Tuesday, September 04, 2007

long time no see...

Yes, it's been quite the absence of Elinor updates. We've been busy with the new coffeeshop and I also seem to have lost the time... By which I mean I seem to be headed off to bed around midnight now and for months my main blogging time has been 11:30 pm until about 2:30 am... So maybe I need to start earlier? But anyway, here is a little something.

Midge is, of course, wonderful! She is healthy and happy and a great little baby: babbling all the time, rolling over, clawing at my face with her sharp little nails... There are some things that are needed, though. One, we need to find a new pediatrician, preferably a naturopath or homeopath, or someone of a less rigid ilk. Caitlin wants me to do that this week. I imagine that I could ask around work, it seems like someone there would have to know.

But she is having lots of fun, we gave her a sink bath yesterday, and it went better than any of the previous ones. She didn't get upset once, ever when we pulled her out and bundled her up. She also got to finally meet cute little Blix this week! His folks brought him down to Portland and we had a wonderful evening and morning with them! We hadn't seen them in something like a year (I know, we really should make it to Seattle more often, and Caitlin really likes it there), before any of these babies were wandering around! but it was great fun and they posed for pictures, including crazy ones on the "photobooth" in the Macbook at the Ace hotel. Too bad we can't get those out of there, but maybe wacky things like that belong where you make them...

And also, now that her mother is working early mornings on my days off, I have taken to hanging out with Elinor at home for a few hours and then strapping her into the Infantino and walking her over there to see Moppy and have some quality hanging out on the couch at Tandem. Though we're only two days into this routine, I really enjoy the walks. I like having her little arms and legs dangling in front of us as we stroll the 40 or so minutes and sing Elton John songs. She was unsure about the carrier when she was younger, but now we can go all about in it with nary a peep from her. And sometimes, she even falls asleep! It is quite nice, though the weather is still a bit too hot for my liking... But here are some pictures of her on the couch with the big blue... Um... What is that? A donkey? And then one of her locked and loaded into my carrier, all ready for a stroll...


Blogger Misha said...

That Midge is an absolute DARLIN'! Good to see that she already has her very own PONY!

4:55 PM  

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