Tuesday, May 22, 2007

turning a corner?

Sometimes I just don't know what to say.

We've commented (complained?) for weeks about Elinor's lack of sleeping... 20 minutes here, 20 minutes there... The rare evening where she sleep 3 or 4 hours straight. Now though?

She slept fairly well last night but today? She has (literally) slept most of the day! She is currently in her basket sleeping, where she's been for probably three hours and earlier she slept in her swing chair for much longer than ever before and had another multi-hour sleep! Though the connection is dubious, Caitlin did buy, on Sunday, the most wondrous thing at Fred Meyer. Called the Kiddopotamus and it's like a swaddling blanket with a pocket to put the legs in and two big flaps that velcro shut. Man, after all of the hours that I've spent swaddling and re-swaddling, this is brilliant! And it's all cotton flannel too! Anyway, it probably doesn't have anything to do with her sleeping habit for today, but I guess I need to a straw to grasp at...

It feels so weird that in the last half hour, each of us has checked to make sure she is still breathing! Anyway, I don't know what it sounds like to everyone else out there, but in 5 weeks she has barely slept during the day and now it's 11 pm and she has spent probably half of the day asleep... Without even needing to be held! I must admit that when she has been awake, she seemed to me to be much fussier than normal.

Anyway, it is odd, but it's been rather easy though it does make me worry for the evening... But maybe she'll sleep all the way through?

I'll let you know.

In other excitement today. Grandma Ginny visited and I ended up taking a picture of her holding Midge below a painting of her mother (baby, G-ma and G-Gma)... So I'll put it up...

And also, in another fun spot, she seems to have taken to using the boppy for a chair. It's a good look for her, and I'm thinking that she is starting to enjoy the notion of sitting up...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

the boppy is a great baby trainer chair, and the pic of ginny et al is kind of like one of those infinty comic book covers ...
it seems like E is catching up on some sleep, but don't worry, in two weeks she'll be doing something different!

11:52 AM  
Blogger Tricia said...

I say it's a growth spurt. Nothing to worry about. She'll probably wake up like a bear wanting to eat eat eat! Aw man...I wish I had known your little Midge liked swaddling so much! I would've sent you our kid-o-pot-a-mus things (or however you spell it). We have, like 5--gifts and hand me downs-- that we never got to use because G HATED/HATES being swaddled. (She also slept a lot and still does, so I don't have advice for you there, but if it helps at all we were stressed out because of all the sleeping (although we probably had it easier in that regard) like you are stressed out for all the not sleeping.) Kids! I tell ya'!

2:39 PM  
Blogger Tricia said...

P.S. Love the photo with Grandma.

2:40 PM  

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